I was reading this article this morning - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/09/18/bipolar-disorder-ellen-forney_n_5823138.html, and it triggered some thoughts for me.
First, how many people have I told about my mental illness
and what percentage of negative versus positive reactions have I gotten from them
(not including medical professionals)?
Let’s explore;
SC – mixed, tried to help but didn’t really understand. When
her help didn’t ‘work,’ she gave up.
AA – apathy
Support group online – positive, helpful
AM – positive, empathetic
JC – mixed, tried to help but didn’t understand, often very
disrespectful. Same thing as SC, when his help didn’t ‘work,’ he would get very
Father – somewhat empathetic but told me I would have to ‘go
it alone,’ because therapists are not to be trusted and they just want your
money. He hasn’t said a word to me about it since then.
Sister – empathetic, helpful. I’m not sure she understands
totally, but I only just told her this summer.
Bitchy mcTraitor – freaked out, tried to get me fired
GS – empathetic and understanding when I told her but when I
tried to talk to her about my feelings and things that happened that relate to my
disorder, I couldn't get empathy at all from her. She was very good at giving
emotionless advice…
So; three purely positive responses, four mixed and two
purely negative.
I’m counting apathy as a negative, especially since he and I
were supposedly ‘in love’ and he never tried to help with my illness or
mentioned it at all even though I was clearly suffering.
Also, when I asked him if I should commit suicide, he told
me he couldn’t think of a reason why not. So; definitely negative.
I’ve always kept the information
that I have a mental illness very close, and obviously have only told a very
few people. I always suspected something was wrong, but I didn’t get help until
college when I went to my school counseling center. I didn’t even tell my
father, he actually found out because he was trying to buy insurance for me and
the insurance companies came back and said they wouldn’t cover me because of my
depression (my dx at the time, also this was before the ACA made it illegal to
deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions). So he called me up to his
office area in the master bedroom when I was visiting and asked me if it were
true, did I have depression?
wasn’t anything else for me to say at that point but yes. And we talked a bit
about it, it was good, I think, to have finally let him know about it because
up to that point I had been seeing a therapist and psychiatrist in secret. I
was so afraid of my father finding out about it that I lied about being on his
insurance plan and told my school counseling center that I didn’t have
insurance. That actually worked out great for a while since they had a sliding
scale for appointments, I was only paying $40 for psychiatry appointments and
$2 per therapy appointment. I had a part-time job so I could pay for it all
myself. I think I was afraid if my dad found out he would demand I live at home
again because he would think I wasn’t able to deal with living at school. I
spent my two years of college living at home but it was actually my therapist
who suggested that I get the hell out of there and live on campus. It made a
huge difference for me to not be around my father all the time.
not that he was abusive or anything. I’m not even sure I can explain it and
have anyone understand. He was just angry all the time and I’m a very sensitive
person. You know when you’re with a group of people and then one person just
gets really angry about something and starts ranting about it, and then
everyone gets really quiet and is afraid to speak up or say anything because if
they do they know they’ll get shot down by that person and/or have that
person’s anger suddenly directed at them? Like, everyone feels so awkward and
afraid that they barely want to move or make a sound?
That is
what growing up with my father was like. Pretty much every night at dinner
would be like that. And he would be angry at everything and everyone. Oh, you
have a tattoo? You just sealed your fate as a worthless bum because no one
decent will ever employ you. The same goes for men with long hair, people who
own motorcycles, and music majors.
I had
also overheard a rant my father was having about me. He seemed to think that
the college I had decided to go to would turn me into a burden to the family,
because I would never get a job with a degree from there. A burden to the
So; I
never told my father about my mental illness and I still haven’t told him about
my new diagnosis. If he hadn’t found out about my depression he wouldn’t know
now. I still count it as mixed because he didn’t make me live at home, and he
didn’t flip out and the world didn’t explode or anything. But, not necessarily
positive either. You don’t tell an almost completely isolated, lonely depressed
person that they’ll have to deal with it alone. That’s simply irresponsible and
ignorant. I needed help, I was desperate for it and I got it, behind his back
because I believed I had to. His response confirmed that I was right to do
As he has gotten older, his anger
has mellowed out a bit. Also, I’ve gotten stronger and have been able to call
him on his bullshit. So, maybe one day I will tell him. I seem to be moving
more in that direction by telling my sister – who supports me in waiting to
tell my parents until I am ready. I’m also pretty tired of hiding. I have no
patience for lying and hiding anymore.
Especially since he seems more
concerned sometimes with pestering me about making sure I have maternity
coverage on my insurance (which I now buy myself), than ever even asking me how
my mental health is. God forbid he should make sure I have mental health
coverage or a proper psychiatrist/psychologist. How it is more pressing in his
brain to make sure he will not have to pay for all my illegitimate children
from all the wild sex I am supposedly having than to make sure I am being
treated for an illness that I will have my entire life and is often fatal, is
simply beyond my understanding. Simply…. fucking…. beyond me. So; it’s not easy
to not go off on him. But that's not the way I want this conversation to come up.
Anyway, this has gotten off track.
The point is I want people to know and I want them to be ok with it and not
freak out and complain to management or stop talking to me or talk to me but
tell me shitty, ignorant things. But, since I can’t have that ideal situation
most of the time I have to keep things under wraps.
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